Thursday, March 1, 2007

Food Stuff Consumption And Miscellany

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007

sm coffee
hash brown
bottle of orange/mango juice (17.5 fl.oz.)
cup of coffee
pint of lager
glass of fountain coke
hot roast pork on kaiser roll sandwich (mayo/horseradish) plus
sm bag of potato chips
2 pints of lager
mug of lager
single plum
2 pints of lager
glass of fountain coke
pint of lager
glass of fountain coke
sm bag of pretzels
2 pints of lager
mug of lager
glass of fountain coke
2 pints of lager
4 "saltine" crackers
single plum
slightly more than a pack of cigarettes

find/discovery of the week

last night was handling/examining a (found) slim volume containing 12 "plates" of zen drawings/paintings. book also contains slightly more than 10 pages of end-note text in German.
paper stock is very heavy and the binding is low on glue with a high "thread" count. beautiful piece of work. the one thing that struck me though was that it was published in 1958, which is 5 years before I was born. did the arithmetic... the book is almost 50 yrs old.

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