Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Food Stuff Consumption And Miscellany

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

1 bottle of water (16.9 fl.oz.)
1 slice of sausage/pepperoni/bell pepper/onion pizza
2 sausage dogs
3 lg coffees (light/sweet)
3-5 sm cups of water
1/4-1/2 pack of cigarettes

Smokes, Sand, Salad:

Though smoking cigarettes is a filthy and deadly habit, think tobacco companies could do more to help smokers from at least littering.

1st: change the filters from the current synthetic material to a biodegradable one (cotton).

2nd: attach a small resealable pouch to the outside plastic wrap (about the size of a "dime-quarter" baggie) so smokers could keep the butts till they're closer to a garbage container for disposal.

note: smokers must make sure the used cigarette is *completely* extinguished before storing/disposing.

Fun in Philly:


lg sandstructures at Franklin Square (Race between 6th/7th) - 8 days to construct, 150 tons of sand (8 dumptruck loads) from south New Jersey. Will be up till early September unless destroyed by the elements


Summer Green Bean Salad (serves four)

>> 1 pound trimmed green beans
>> 1 container grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half
>> 1/2 red onion, sliced
>> 1 bunch roughly chopped basil
>> 1/2 pound chopped fresh mozzarella
>> 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
>> 1/3 cup olive oil
>> Salt and pepper

>> 1) In a medium pot of boiling water cook green beans for 3 to 5 minutes until bright green and crunchy.
>> 2) Whisk vinegar and olive oil together. Add basil, mozzarella, beans, tomatoes and onions. Add salt and pepper to taste.

courtesy Marisa McClennan and Philadelphia Weekly

related article by Mara Zepeda

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