Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Food Stuff Consumption And Miscellany

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

lg cherry frozen slushie (20 fl.oz.)
3 lg coffees
2 pints of lager
1/2 pint of lager
2 pints of lager (**) diff. location
bottle of lager
1 peanut butter/grape jelly/nacho chips on whole wheat sandwich
1 bag of nacho cheese tortilla chips (net wt. 1 oz.)
1 sm rice crispy/marshmallow square
1 apple
1 bottle of water (16.9 fl.oz.)
2 packs of cigarettes

*plus additional lager pint(s)

currently owe the coffee vendor for 13 or so large coffees ($13ish). will pay asap. paid this a.m./yesterday. ($7/$9 total $16)

things to do: replace wristwatch battery asap. Watch losing 15 minutes every day done (17th/Chestnut) $6, had only $5 on me, proprietor did it on condition I come back and pay $1. will do.

other monetary transactions:

4:11 p.m. purchased a can of coffee (365 French Roast) $4.29 total/net wt. 11 oz. for the computer lab


Successive powers of 3/2 in base 6. The leading digits in the fractional parts of these numbers form a sequence that seems random. The process of multiplication by 3/2 in base 6 corresponds to a k=6, r=1 cellular automaton rule.

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